Key Bills
SB 29 - Glass Bill - Heard and favorably reported by the House B&I committee on Wednesday, with an HCS to address concerns raised by some in the industry over the compromise AOB language. SB 29 is in House Rules with two readings.
HB 280 - Delivery Network Companies - Pollock's NCOIL model insurance requirements for delivery network companies. Assigned to Senate B&I.
HB 474 - ESG Disclosure - This legislation requires disclosure by investment advisers if the investments being offered follow an ESG policy. Being opposed by SIFMA. Awaiting committee assignment.
HB 554 - This measure would allow public universities to opt out of buying coverage from the state Tornado & Fire fund and allow them to access coverage in the private market. Likely to be voted on the House floor this week.
SB 188 - Sen. Wise - An
omnibus PBM reform bill that would mandate pharmacists dispensing fees in
statute, restrict mail order pharmacy, and mandate changes to pharmacy
networks. The LRC’s financial analysis is not available yet, but we continue to
hear a lot of chatter that this could have a significant impact on self-insured health
groups and ERISA plans.
HB 620 - Hands-Free - Rep. Pollock filed legislation last week that would prohibit the use of cell phones when driving. It has not been assigned to committee, and the issue is not supported by Leadership.
HB 256 - Fortified Roof Incentives - Remains in the House Appropriations & Revenue Committee. The Chairman has signed off on the bill, but it won't be heard in their meeting on 2-27.
HB 401 - Rep. Pollock, to legislatively reverse a KY Supreme Court ruling and allow out-of-state physicians to review workers' compensation medical records. In Senate Committee on Committees.
HB 371 - Mine Subsidence - Rep. Wade Williams' bill to give the DOI the authority to adjust mine subsidence coverage to meet increased construction costs, which has been assigned to Senate B&I. We expect an amendment in the Senate from some insurers concerned about the implementation timeline.
HB 498 - DOI Accreditation - The DOI's financial standards legislation needed to maintain their NAIC accreditation passed the House and is in the Senate Committee on Committees awaiting assignment.
Contact Tara Purvis